Sara's Favorite October Picks!

Friday, March 11, 2016


Dear friends,

If you eat nuggets from fast-food places or really anywhere out, you aren't getting the best. McNuggets alone are made with a pink foam just to make them fry well and the "meat" is washed with ammonia. That's actually true. They are made up of over 27 ingredients! How many do you need to make chicken nuggets?!!

Wild Roots Company is a local farm that pasteur-raises chickens, lambs and turkeys. Let me tell you friends, that boneless chicken breasts that are pasteur-raised or NOTHING like store bought ones. First of all, they are actually...well, raised! Raised with the right elements, freedom and food that they need to grow in the way that nature intended them to. Even if a chicken package says "cage-free" at the store, it is NOT pasteur-raised and the term "cage-free" is used very loosely and those chickens are still kept in small spaces without the proper nutrition, most never seeing the light of day and they are started on steroids and antibiotics as an embryo. You can only imagine how many drugs your chicken must have in it by the time it's taken to slaughter...and pre-maturely I might add. The chicken breasts you get at the store are no where near the size of truly farm and pasteur-raised chickens because they have to be slaughtered early to keep up with the demand of meat. A package at the store gives you two chicken breasts that are about the size of ONE pasteur-raised one. Yes...that's right.

We have been getting our chicken from Wild Roots since they began and our Thanksgiving turkey comes from them too...the most amazing turkey we have had to date!!! It's worth every single penny to have meat that isn't filled with extra crud and I know that we are actually receiving the protein and nutrition we need from it rather than antibiotics, hormones, steroids, etc. You may not be one to care...but perhaps you should be. Organic and pasteur-raised isn't about being a food snob. It's about realizing that the foods that are meant for our for our bodies...are the ones that are grown and raised as absolutely naturally as possible. Clean food, clean bodies.

Guess what!! You can get your meat from Wild Roots too!! Their website is currently in production, but you can follow them on Facebook and order there too!! Visit them here...WILD ROOTS COMPANY!

Now for my nugget recipe! I used only TWO chicken breasts from Wild Roots Farm and I got 41 nuggets out of them! 41!!!! FORTY-ONE!!! And these were real nuggets, not molar-sized or something.

Gluten & Dairy-Free Chicken Nuggets
Two large pasteur-raised boneless chicken breasts (approximately 2 lbs)
1/3 cup - Millet Flour
1/3 cup - Tapioca Flour
1 tsp - sea salt
1/4 tsp - ground pepper
1/4 tsp - paprika
1/4 tsp - garlic powder
1 egg
Olive oil and coconut oil

Honey Mustard Dip
1 tbsp - organic yellow mustard
2 tbsp - raw honey
1 tbsp - organic plain kefir (this is optional because it is technically dairy, but it's an awesome probiotic...I put it in to add a bit to make it more creamy)

Avocado Jalapeno Dip
1 half of an avocado
1 thin slice of fresh jalapeño (you can do more if you want it hot or you can always use a splash of jalapeño sauce)
1 tbsp - fresh cilantro
1 tsp - fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp - salt
1/4 tsp - pepper
1 green onion
1 tsp - olive oil
2 tbsp - water
add Kefir if you like too!
Blend together with a blender or processor for a creamy dip!

Cut the chicken into chunks and let them sit in the blended egg while you prepare the dry ingredients.
Just put all of the dry ingredients into a large bag or big bowl with a lid. Shake it up until mixed and then add your chunks to it or you can always lay the dredged chunks onto a large pan with sides and coat them that way.

In a large pan (I like cast iron) heat half olive oil and half coconut oil just until it covers the bottom of the entire pan...or just a tad more on medium heat. I can't tell you exactly how much oil since it depends on the size of the pan. Once it's heated, add the nuggets. Let them fry on one side until you see the bottoms crisp up and get golden brown. Turn them, and once that side has done the same, they are done. Somewhere around 15 minutes or so.

There you have it friends! Gluten-free, dairy-free and pasteur raised! Healthy, delicious and everyone will love them! You can pick up the flours locally at the Health Nut or you can purchase them HERE and receive $10 off of your first order!

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