Sara's Favorite October Picks!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Avolemonlantro Dressing!

Well, I don't know how many mothers have this issue, but I have had to have a fairly strict diet since I had my daughter. It all started with the first 10 weeks of her life. Oh the screaming, the colic, the kicking...I couldn't sit with her, I couldn't put her down, I had to bounce her on one shoulder basically all day long until my cesarean incision was sore from being kicked and my back, shoulder and neck muscles were burning. Needless to say, it was the longest 10 weeks ever! She only showed a couple of signs of reflux so I didn't think that was it at first and she had some gas, but it wasn't all of the time. You know how it're just trying to figure it out one day at a time. Anyway, at 2 1/2 months our pediatrician recommended that I trying going dairy free for a week or two because she was having some reflux signs and thought it might be the issue. I went dairy free after that and two weeks later she was a different baby...yes indeed! Well, I LOVE dairy, but I love a happy and content baby WAAAAY more and it wasn't even a question as to whether I could do it or not. She has been an excellent nurser from the get go and I was more than happy to tweak my diet however I needed to for her. So, out went the dairy. Recently, she broke out in hives due to excessive egg I happened to have that week...out went the egg. If I have something with even garlic powder in it, she grunt-cries and is so gassy the next day. Soooo, pretty much I don't have ANY dairy, egg or spices. Yep...boring, right? Not totally. Granted, there are things I miss, but she consistently gains weight because I eat very well and I won't be nursing her forever, so it's well worth it! With all of this being said, I stopped eating salads a while ago because quite frankly, I was so over oil and vinegar and everything else has either dairy, egg or too much spice as a dressing. Last night, I got a huge hankering for a salad and decided to take the dressing matter into my own hands and get creative. I took avocado, fresh lemon, olive oil, water, salt, pepper and fresh cilantro (which is mild) and threw it in my processor...voila! A delicious, bright, very nutritious and very pretty salad dressing that I like to call Avolemonlantro...because its just fun to say! Seriously, try saying it! I bottled it and chilled it! Also, since I make our own bread I have the freedom to cut pieces however I want with thickness, so I made croutons too because it's so hard to find good croutons without garlic or cheese! A little olive oil and salt in my cast iron skillet and I have beautifully browned and crispy, homemade croutons! I'm just a little proud of myself for all of this because it means that salad is back on my menu and now even better because I'm actually getting a super food (avocado) on top of it all!!! Win win! Sadly, I can't give the recipe for the dressing just yet since I didn't measure...I just had to add and taste this time! Soon though!!!

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