Sara's Favorite October Picks!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016



It's cold, it's windy and it's just not ideal weather for being outside. Sooooooo....we brought nature inside this morning! We seem to always have scrap cardboard, so I just cut out a couple of super simple and not-at-all-fancy pieces to use as stands. I punched holes into one with scissors and cut some sprigs of boxwood and cypress and magnolia from outside and brought in a few curly looking sticks. We usually have a little basket of neat rocks and acorns and such stored away, which was perfect for this project! Also, it was a great way to utilize the Papo brand animals we have to create different elements! 

My two year old had a great time putting in the "trees" and she put the rocks and animals where she wanted them! The nature scape was a great way to chat about the different areas where the animals live and why they like and what they eat! We love the Papo animals. They have so many obscure animals too (as well as common ones like cows, etc) and they are realistic which I love instead of everything looking animated. It makes it a lot easier to talk about horns they have, or hooves, or feathers, when the animal looks so real. Thanks Papo! You can find them at The Papo Store too!

We even gave the polar bear his own home with snow and ice since we had some left over in the yard from our last snowfall!!

I loved how she put her stag on the rock so that he could survey everything! The Papo stag is one of our favorites!!

The jungle animals got their own area with water in the bottom and trees to hide behind. Watch out elephant...the tiger is behind you!! My daughter decided he needed to be there!

Our American buffalo (another fav) got the Plains and everyone was very happy in their new homes! 

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