Sara's Favorite October Picks!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Dear friends,

Have you ever considered an actual art space for your toddler? Doesn't have to have a plastic tarp under it and laminated walls just in case? The answer is no. Now...every child is different and I won't pretend to know your child and how they handle art supplies. However, I do know that an art space can still be appealing, spacious and uncluttered for your tot. I've found that most of the time, less really is more. No, truly! Sometimes we feel children need to be given plenty of options to keep them busy longer, but in reality, when a child is given just a handful of tools to use, they are able to spend time really focusing on those items...learning everything they can do with them and exhausting their resources. Sometimes too many items can lead to overstimulation. Babies, tots and children want to be challenged and it's already in their little human natures to want to explore everything. Allow them to do just that with a few things at a time. Not only will they be able to put their focus on those things, but clutter!!! Less is more!

I am definitely a person who does NOT like clutter. In fact, I probably (aka absolutely) am a little OC when it comes to it. If my home feels messy, I feel messy. If my office has scattered papers (aka just out of place), then I feel scattered. Needless to say, we don't have our home cluttered with toys or anything else...because I can't take it and I find that my two year old doesn't require much. Her room has only her stuffed animals and books in her closet. No toys. I prefer that her room be a place for reading and sleep. We keep one small basket of random items (like lacing toys and small books and such) under a side table in our living room for her to grab if she wants. 

When she started walking though, we created one side of our office as her "Learning Nook." Every season I change it around so she can explore totally new things on her own. The latest change was an art space. I found this awesome old chalkboard at a yard sale for $1!! Yes, $1! I repainted the outside to cover up the old marker that was on it and we provided her with a handful of great art items.  I've added them all at the bottom of the post for you to see! She absolutely loves it! I added a couple of clouds and a sun to her corner, by simply cutting out the shapes in cardboard and then in felt. For the fluffy cloud, I glued batting (poly-fil) to the cardboard. I already had the scraps and it really added such a fun little touch to her corner! She noticed them immediately when she first saw her new space.

I believe a toddler space can be aesthetically pleasing as well as simple and effective. If you have a more careful toddler, than you can be a little braver with what you put in the corner or know your child best. If you have a child who loves to draw on anything BUT paper, then you will want to tweak it. Make sure you find a cheap table and chair that won't get messed up easily or can be wiped down. I found ours at Ikea. Make sure they have an art smock or old tee shirt too! Just a small basket can be used under or beside the table to keep the art supplies in if you like. This will keep them all in one place and keep you from buying too many art supplies. Only purchase what will fit in the basket! Great way to start a less cluttery space.

A small chalkboard is a simple and fun way for toddlers to draw without a lot of mess. I love keeping just a touch of nature around our area too. Shells, pinecones and rocks are not only nice textures, but can be used as art projects too! Let them paint nature! Fine motor skills soar even higher when painting a small shell instead of just a large piece of paper! Also, perhaps allow them a small headed paint brush instead of the regular toddler style paint brush...again...fine motor skills!

Below is another idea if you need something less vintage and proper and more suitable for the tot who just wants color! Scissors, pencils, crayons and scissors all have a space without taking up the whole table. And everyone needs a little friend to hang out while they work! Wink! That little pull dog was a first birthday gift and has become a member of the family! Sustainably made without toxic paints and he is durable! He's excellent company! 

The Water Wow pads are one of our favorites! No mess, just water and it's so fun for them to see the picture come alive as they work! We also love these dot markers. Easy for little hands to work with and I love the array of colors most. I kept finding some that just had a few primary colors. Why is that? Why is it always a primary color? Anyway, I'm a huge fan of ALL colors and I wanted her to be able to use more than just a few.

Just a simple pencil pouch is great for keeping crayons in and out of the way...especially those ones that get broken, but are still usable. You know the ones I mean!

Bottom can do this! Start small. Grab one wall or corner that can be used. Set up an old table or standing easel with an old rug underneath and have one basket or container to hold the goods. Don't go crazy with the items! Remember, you want them to be artistic and use their imagination. They will be constructive with what they me!! Love to you all!!

As promised, here are several of the items so that you can create your own space!

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