Sara's Favorite October Picks!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


That's right!!! My hubby and I are expecting our first itty bitty July 31st!!!! For years and years, I've been a baby/kid photographer and now I will also be becoming a mom...really awesome, but crazy surreal! We are super excited for this new journey, but you're bound to realize that this changes my booking schedule for 2013 dramatically! If you are considering a shoot this year, please book in March, April or May if possible...and June will be limited. As of right now, I won't be booking in July, August or September...unless I get the hang of being a photographer and mommy super quick! Fall is going to be open this year for sessions as always, but I will be taking on very limited sessions, so again, if possible please book this spring! Don't hesitate to check on other months or dates...I just can't make booking guarantees at this time for some months. **This March also marks my 10th Anniversary in business!!! So, I will be posting a special offer Feb 1st that will be good for March and March only that you WILL want to take advantage of because it won't happen again!!!** Yay for babies!!!!

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